Your support paves the way for a new era of redemption. Donate today to create a lasting legacy of change.
For too long, police and prosecutorial misconduct have robbed communities of their freedom and livelihood.
We’re on a mission to put an end to it with your help.
Together, we can shape a future where justice prevails – and stop being witness to unjust sentences while the corrupt walk free.
Our mission is to provide a glimmer of hope and legal resources to those who need it the most.
As we work with communities to reform the legal system as a whole, we conduct charitable activities to ease the burden on the government and protect human and civil rights.This includes but isn’t limited to:
Yes. Your continued support will allow us to have predictability for our existing cases and expand our operation to assist more clients.
Yes. Second Justice has completed its 501(c)(3) status and is approved as a non-profit organization under law.